Monday, March 06, 2006

Male Chauvinism

Women empowerment, though heard of all around, is still not existent in significant proportion. Men are still considered to be the head of the families; they are still considered to be the decision makers; they're still found to be leading in every sphere; they are still the earning hand and that'll continue to remain for a long time. In this men dominant society, women are given a lot of rights to match them up with men. Each day we hear of women reservations and most of them are earned by women's demands themselves. The statement might hurt but such reservations only reflect the inferiorism in them and nothing else.

In various clubs and societies, we find men taking up the memberships and women are given the status of dependents. On invitation cards, we always find the name of a husband written before that of his wife. These are some such day to day examples which even strenghen the point.

Long long back, I was given a status of being a 'Male Chauvinist Pig' by one of my really strong crushes. That was probably her indirect way of indicating the 'love' and 'respect' that she had for me. I didn't know the meaning then and thus couldn't argue back in any way. Nevertheless, the point which I wish to put forward is that there's nothing bad about women rising high in the society; they getting more respect and fame; they earning more than the men; they being the bosses. Nothing at all. But it is definitely conflicting when women fail to accept the truth of they still not being the head of the families, the decision makers. Families break up because of these small arguments. They break up because none of the partners compromise.

Today, I read a touching post here which basically strenghens the above point in some way or the other. The author is a journalist and maintains a really nice blog.

Note: This post is devoted to that crush of mine who might someday come across this post.

Time taken to write this post: 24 minutes


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