Originally, there was just one thought behind this post, but suddenly as soon as I wrote the title, I realized that the subject actually has multiple meanings behind it for me.Most importantly, it reflects that I need to "wake up" from a long 'non-writing' hibernation. Ofcourse, I've tried this a number of times earlier but then guess, the motivation doesn't last more than one post. No further comments on this, I am forced to believe in "Actions speak louder than words".
Secondly, for some reason, it reminds me of the college days. My every single password back then used to be "wakeup". Ofcourse the college days were quite lazy and I kept this as the password so that atleast everytime I key that in, I am reminded to get active. I know it's random, but whatever.
And lastly, the original thought: I went home for a week during the Diwali festival and being tension-free from all the work back in office, I slept for long hours, infact very long hours. My dad called me on one of the days and said that he has some experience to share, and this is what he said - "My son, there are two kinds of people in this world - masters/bosses and the slaves/servants. When masters sleep, they wake up from their sleep in time and are attentive with hundreds of immediate actions and directions ready for their slaves. They act responsibly and behave actively. But when slaves or the servants get up from their sleep, they always have just one lazy thought on mind of being a servant to their boss and having to follow their directions or working on the daily routine. And to be clear, I mean masters or slaves by behavior, more than just by designation. So decide, if you want to be a master in life or just a slave."
Between that day of my dad's thought and today, trust me, I've still been lazy, very lazy. I feel so much like a slave at the moment.
Time taken to write this post: 30 minutes
30 minutes!!
I can see, you are still lazy ;)
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