Increasing heartbeats
What if the manager calls up the receptionist and conveys the message that he wants you to call him (manager) up? Scary thoughts. You hear from the reception that manager's trying to reach you and wants you to call up IMMEDIATELY.
It happened with me the other day. Thought that there definitely must have been something wrong at my end - some zero defect mistake in the deck, some logic mistake or may be he has some urgent work for me. The heartbeat went up. Finally, I did call him up and after a long ring, he answered saying - "Akansh, Can you call back in 10 minutes".
I called up again, this time he didn't answer the call at all. Even faster heartbeats. I gave another shot and yes he answered this time. His words were - "Akansh, I've called you up to take your miseries away, if any. We have decided to promote you to the senior analyst position and based on your performance, you truly deserve it".
Trust me, I haven't had a better feeling. Getting promoted in 7 months is phenomenal. Things have turned out good all this time and I really hope that they continue the same way. God Bless.
Time taken to write this post: 16 minutes
Getting difficult to answer
It gets so damn difficult to answer questions like:
- Tell something that no one else knows about you
- Tell 3 things about you that depict your character
- What is that you like the most in life?
- Tell one situation in your life when you acted most wild
- Tell one situation in your life that you won't ever forget
I realize how bad I am at filling slam books. Need to work upon my life history a little bit and explore the inner self.
Time taken to write this post: 7 minutes
At times, things happen just against what should have happened in normal circumstances. They're mostly disturbing is what I've been realzing or may be we seldom notice the happy days of our life. To accept the 'unexpected things' or in other terms failures, we mostly come up with the same optimistic answer - may be God has something better aside for us. And we start moving on. But on the other hand, why doesn't hard work fetch awards at the first chance? The thing is that it's not about just the hard work. There are few other things that one needs to take care of in addition to the normal actions/duties.
Getting demotivated and disappointed is definitely not an option or else things keep on getting worse. I've had some friends whom I feel sad for considering that they've almost lost the skills that they had just because few failures turned up in their lives.
Time taken to write this post: 12 minutes