Wednesday, July 05, 2006


They have the power of changing your decisions. The most dangerous are the emotional ones. They keep you away from taking intelligent and practical decisions in life. Have been taking a lot of foolish decisions all through. But, things definitely change with time - more mature decisions, more intelligent thoughts. At times, certain circumstances teach us a whole lot of things. Yes, they do. And it mostly happens when either of us or our near and dear ones suffer. Since it's usually very late by then, if delayed more, noone can really stop from disaster.

Some of the near and dear ones have been recently facing a lot of disturbing situations. And the reactions of each one of them who're suffering are a great source of learning in itself. Never realized that I too was unintensionally doing something similar or infact making someone else do that. We humans do make mistakes but if things are not brought back on the right track at the right time, trust me, we're making even bigger mistakes.

Then on the other track of feelings, there are certain over-practical people. We always have one or the other such stupid people around. Oh! did I just say stupid? So true. Why be a single personality in life? Why not be different for different set of people? Be emotional where situations demand that and at the same time be practical and take not-so-emotional and practical decisions where it doesn't really matter. But then that's not in the talent list of many people. So, other not-so-talented people understand it as being an actor, who's trying to be what he isn't. The point is, why not 'be' multiple personalities instead of just 'pretending' to be someone that we aren't.

Things may not be very clear from the above paragraph. But then I can't write certain personal things in here. And it's true that I feel so shocked to see certain people in life.

Time taken to write this page: ~20 minutes