Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Good ol' friends - Guys vs Gals

There's a yahoo group for our batch back at school where I did my 10th from. And trust me, it's on an expanding note these days. On an average, one new person joins the group every 2-3 days. Now, that's a good rate. There were more number of girls in that school - 33 girls:14 boys in one section is what I remember and owing to that there are more number of those ladies in the group. I've been talking to lots of those old friends these days and it feels really great to get in touch with them after such a long time.

With all things happening in life such as chatting to lots of those old friends and making new friends around, I've started realizing the fact that on an average, the percentage of smart girls is definitely more than the percentage of smart guys. Now, that's only for the college going crowd. Most of the girls that I've talked to turned out to be really good while guys are still the same - theth desi kinda. I have this urge to write two names who've impressed me more than any of those old friends - Aditi Banerjee and Juhi Gulshan. They're just too good to talk to. And guess what, neither of them are engineers.

I'll define the keyword 'smart' above as someone who's impressive to talk to with good communication skills and good ideas up there, who's more understanding, one with good dressing sense and who knows how exactly to keep onself. There are lots of other things too but those mentioned are the major ones.

PS: And with that, 150th post gets completed

Time taken to write this post: 15 minutes


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