Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It feels so good..

... when someone gives you a word of praise.. That is exactly what happened with me today.. Mr. Madhira, our soft skills instructor conducted an excellent session for us here in IIIT Hyderabad that went on for 10 days, 2 hrs each day.. Though some classes weren't really frutiful, some others were awesome.. Overall, I'll rate it as 8+ on a scale of 10.. That isn't bad.. One could sit in Microsoft placements with that cgpa.. Hope that they lower the cgpa limit this time for me to atleast sit for the written test.. khair, coming back on the point, I met him after the last session basically to get feedback, if any and wish him luck etc .. Its always good to be in touch with such intellectual people.. Afterall, its our time to build up a strong network.. And I try my best to use all the social skills I have..

So, coming back on the feedback - he said - "See!! I don't need to impress you and I dont need to tell you this.. But I am a very out-spoken person.. I speak my heart out.. Akansh, you are a really nice person and you have a great likability index.. " And I was like what? what does that likability term mean.. Somehow, it didn't strike me for a second.. He continued - "People tend to like you easily.. You haev strong inter-personal skills.. And you generate affection in people for yourself.. I wish you luck".. Aah!! I never expected such a reply.. And I was stunned for a second.. All I said was - "Sir, I really thank you for such a lovely answer"..

So, this was like a really nice compliment.. I don't really know how much he really meant but it felt great.. And before I fill up myself with all the 'fooonk' is how we call, I better concenterate more on my technical skills because it'll basically be my technical competence which will matter in placements.. God bless..


At 4:53 AM, Blogger Darth Midnightmare said...

Remember one thing though...while it may be technical skill (among other aspects) that lands you your first job, it is human skills and inter-personal skills that will get you higher up the ladder...

All the best mate...but don't lose that inter-personal can hurt much more than you may realise today...and having it may get you places taht most tech gurus dream of in front of their screens...

At 8:52 AM, Blogger AK-84 said...

Thanks big b for pumping me up.. :) i am trying to improve my technical skills though.. still a month to go :D hope that ur work's going great.. good luck


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