Monday, January 24, 2005

Why care for this damn society

I dont understand the purpose of caring for this foolish society. Why do we need to think a couple of times before performing any action? Why cant we just do what we wish? Why do we need to explain the reasons behind those actions? Why do we need to think of those reasons? Why do we need to make excuses? Why do we need to give those excuses? Why isnt this society intelligent and understandable? Why do we always have to feel bad abt what we did?

I dont know what this crap means. I dont want to know all that. But still, at times, we care for ppl who hold no importance in our life. We care for ppl who are damn foolish. We care for ppl who dont care for us. Why is all this happening?

I want to live my life, the way I want. I want to follow my heart. All I want to care for is my family and teachers. Now this family counts in other ppl too. Someone's getting to make a strong relation these days. Why is this happening? I dont understand. These thoughts have poured in my mind, only because of this new strong relation which is slowly getting build up. I really respect that relation but at times, ppl dont understand and neither do they have the gutts to talk abt it in front of us. They are like those artists working backstage in life. They are the ppl who make us think all the possible crap. They are the ppl who stress up our mind. They are the ppl who've made me hate this society and the society's customs. I dont care for anyone. I dont want to care for anyone. All I care for is my family. All I care for is an understanding citizen of this society. I dont like to talk to backstage ppl and I just hate them. I hate them.


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